Access and Conservation Trust (ACT)

The BMC's Access and Conservation Trust (ACT) funds vital projects that protect our crags and mountains. It promotes sustainable access to crags, mountains and open countryside through education and conservation projects across Great Britain.

ACT Campaigns

The BMC Access and Conservation Trust currently funds two fantastic projects - Mend Our Mountains and The Climate Project, both vitally important for hikers, mountaineers, climbers, the environment and the wild places we love to escape to.

Mend Our Mountains

MOM is an award-winning campaign which has raised a total of £1.4 million since its creation in 2016 to repair Britain’s hills and mountains. Since then over 50 miles of fragile footpath has been restored for future generations and 544 miles of upland has been repaired - the equivalent length of over 67,000 double decker buses! Find out more in the link below!

The Climate Project

This is a collection of scientifically proven, UK-based solutions helping to protect and restore nature, and address the climate and biodiversity crisis. There are two projects currently underway - planting sphagnum moss in the Pennine moorlands and planting seagrass along the North Wales coastline. Both these plants are super carbon sinks and vitally important in locking up this planet-warming gas. Find out more in the link below!

  • Mend Our Mountains

    The BMC's Mend Our Mountains campaign encourages everyone who values the hills, mountains and landscapes of Britain to donate and protect the places they love. Learn more about the invaluable work we are supporting across England and Wales

  • The Climate Project

    The Climate Project is a collection of nature-based solutions brought to you by the BMC, which are helping to protect and restore nature, and address the climate and biodiversity crisis. Currently focussed on Sphagnum moss and Seagrass based projects.

Donate to ACT

ACT funds vital projects that protect our crags and mountains. By donating to ACT you will be supporting real-world action that ensures sustainable access to cliffs, mountains and open countryside through education and conservation projects across the United Kingdom and Ireland.


What else does ACT fund?

ACT funds a wide range of projects encompassing policy-related work, literature production and large-scale environmental projects.  For example, by supporting  practical site-based work (e.g. footpath construction, fencing, stiles, signs, ecological surveys) and rural development initiatives (e.g. projects to encourage climbers, hill walkers and mountaineers to contribute more to local economies in mountain areas). ACT also funds sustainable transport initiatives and provides high quality access and conservation information to the public (e.g. good practice publications).

All these projects are vitally important, incredibly effective, UK-based projects that protect our access to the outdoors and help to protect it for future generations. Thank you so much for your fundraising efforts and generous donations to Mend Our Mountains and The Climate Project through the BMC Access & Conservation Trust.

Dr. Cath Flitcroft
BMC Senior Policy and Campaigns Manager


From a number of places including individuals, companies, outdoor centres, climbing walls and clubs. As ACT is a registered charity, donors can take advantage of tax initiatives and incentives.

The trustees comprise of access and conservation experts from around the country. They have experience and understanding of the needs of climbers, hill walkers and mountaineers. It is their role to select suitable projects to support across England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales to get the maximum benefit from donations received from contributors

If you have an idea for a project in the UK or Ireland, let us know. From local footpath work to national consultations, ACT might be able to help. Anyone can apply for funding, simply download an application form here and email

If you are thinking of making a will, why not let the conservation of our uplands be your legacy. For further information email

READ: How to add ACT and the BMC into your will

ACT aims to:

  • Support rural access and conservation projects that protect access and promote sustainable use
  • Educate and raise awareness of conservation issues
  • Inform people about areas of ecological sensitivity
  • Research the benefits and impacts of mountain recreation and tourism
  • Train and support access and conservation volunteers

ACT funds:

  • Landscape Site Based Work
  • Campaigns and Policy Development
  • Rural Development Initiatives
  • Sustainable Transport Initiatives
  • Information Resources & Publications
  • Research
  • Training & Support for Access Volunteers