Aldery Cliff

About the crag

Aldery Cliff is a sunny little crag set amongst beautiful rolling limestone scenery in Derbyshire. Popular locally, it has undergone extensive restoration and improvement work in recent years. BMC has owned it since 1984.

Located near the quiet Derbyshire backwater of Earl Sterndale, Aldery is a little gem of limestone trad climbing, typically slabby with the odd steeper line, that catches plenty of sun year round. BMC-owned since 1984, when the purchase price was raised by public appeal to commemorate John Midgely (former President of the Yorkshire Mountaineering Club). It provides fun lines from Sev-E3 in a lovely wooded quarry that is the very definition of roadside.

Aldery Cliff on RAD

The BMC's Regional Access Database is the source of the most up to date access advice for climbers in England and Wales.


BMC Land and Property Trust