Learn Training Hill & Mountain Skills Courses

Hill & Mountain Skills Courses


Walking in the hills is a great way to explore the outdoors, boost your confidence and get some exercise. For people new to hill walking it can be an exciting and slightly daunting prospect which is why Mountain Training have developed two courses designed to equip you with some basic knowledge and safety skills so that you can participate in more hill and mountain walking in your own time.

There are two courses designed to help you get the skills you need to become a confident, independent walker:

Hill Skills

The Hill Skills course is your key to getting started in countryside walking. No previous hill walking experience is required to attend a Hill Skills course because the content of the course is aimed at beginners. If you do have some experience of hill walking but aren’t confident about planning walks, navigating and understanding the equipment required, then the Hill Skills course is an ideal way to learn.

Relatively new hill walkers might also be interested in the BMC's free booklet: Into The Hills: A Guide For New Hill Walkers

Mountain Skills

The Mountain Skills course is an ideal choice for walkers interested in transferring their walking skills to steep, remote or more mountainous terrain. Ideally, participants will have some basic hill walking experience and have a reasonable level of fitness. Courses are run in the higher mountain areas of the UK and Ireland.

Courses are delivered over a minimum of two days by approved providers across the UK. Course prices are set by the provider.

Find out more about the Hill Skills and Mountain Skills courses at the Mountain Training website.